'Love for those that seek the way is the way. Only this unites mankind.'
'Man most clearly sees the way when he errs from the way. This is his tragedy..'
'The fool believes he knows the way with his mind and not his heart. This is his comedy...'
'No taxation without representation.
No representation without responsibilities.
No responsibilities without rights.
No rights without taxation.'
'The greatest victory is to befriend your enemy.'
'Socialism is an indulgence and a luxury that only the middle classes can afford.'
'Socialism – dialectics = Identity politics.'
'Progress arrives as disorderly as chaos.'
'India and Africa begot Greece,
And Greece became Europe.'
'Only Art can reconcile Science with Philosophy.'
'Circumstance is subject to time and the most dignified vows evolve into dogma.'
'The door to women’s liberation was not opened by technological progress, only unlocked.'
'The real Islamophobes are those who dare not criticise Islam.'
The more collectivist the society the more individualist the state. The more individualist the state the more collectivist the society. North Korea has a highly individualist state in the form of its Chairman; the society is therefore highly collectivist. In the USA, claims that President Trump could become a megalomaniacal dictator are far off; the individualism of American democratic checks on power prohibit this. Democracy is therefore the most collectivist form of socio-political organisation yet the act of voting in private is the most individualistic act.
The main motivation of environmentalism is collectivist existential anxiety. The main motivation of environmentalism is not anxiety about the planet’s environment. Understanding this is essential for understanding the political motivations and interactions of environmentalism and other issues.
Collectivism is the more appropriate term in this age for what was once called the ‘left’ or ‘socialism’ and more recently ‘leftism’. The term ‘leftism’ has arisen precisely because the dichotomy of left and right wing politics is antiquated and needs to be rendered obsolete. ‘Leftism’ as a term denotes that the collective formerly termed ‘the left’ or ‘socialist’ is no longer left wing or socialist. The left is no longer and neither is the right. There are only those who favour more collectivist politics of various ill-defined kinds and those who favour more individualist politics. Therefore the term ‘collectivist’ is more appropriate. How collectivism functions can be demonstrated fairly clearly in regards to environmentalism.
It is possible that the fears of environmentalists are correct: that human activity is causing climate change to a dangerous degree for the future of humanity. However, this is not the main motivation of environmentalism. The main motivation is to forge a scientific replacement for religion. This motivation is derived from an existentialist fear, a spiritual deficit concerning human beings’ place in the world.
If we are so significant that the future of the world depends on us, we have found a spiritual purpose. This is the primary motivation of environmentalism regardless of whether time proves environmentalist fears well founded or otherwise. The only other motivations are the cynical self-promotionalism of politicians and the opportunities to signal virtue and claim the moral high ground.
It is the claiming of the moral high ground that is so dangerous, almost certainly more dangerous than the presumed imminence of environmental catastrophe. The labelling of sceptics as ‘deniers’ and the religious-like zeal of environmentalists symptomizes this. We, the collective, are moral. They, the deniers, are immoral. Argument won. And the collective marches on towards its undefined and unknowable destination guided only by the proclaimed superiority of its moral compass.
This fearful mind-set affords the opportunists, who crave power and leadership, justification through moral superiority. The fearful heard follows casting out heretics from its midst and crushing dissent. This journey with no plan for arriving at no known destination will lead to tyranny.
The claim to moral superiority is the greatest evil on Earth.
God is our inability to determine whether we have an innate sense of morality or whether it is solely a social construct.
The primary purpose of feminism is to ensure that less privileged women remain so. The proof of this is in the form of an oppositional proof, the only useful form of proof for analysis of ideological concepts. Thus, if it were not so, the overwhelming focus of feminism would not be on men's treatment of women but on the solution to the main obstacle to women's liberty: nature's imposition of maternity duties and its social solution: childcare facilities Higher status women dominate feminism precisely because they are able to afford childcare, giving them an advantage over poorer, lower status women. Maintaining this advantage is the primary purpose of feminism.
Environmentalism is white supremacy. The wealthy, white, western, middle class protesting about climate change are doing so for two main reasons: to rid itself of the shame of its imperialist past and to hide a guilty secret about its future aims. Having held the highest position of social status in the world for 200 years, Environmentalism is their last attempt to maintain it in a world in which Europe and its legacy ruling class is fast becoming irrelevant.
Also almost irrelevant is the actual condition of the planet’s environment. Only a naïve minority of environmentalists are genuinely worried and don’t realise the game being played. This is why the devious and cynical use of children is such a key strategy. Much like modern feminism with its main aim of maintaining the status of higher-class women and preventing lower-class women from rising in status, environmentalism’s main aim is to maintain the status of the same class and to prevent the lower classes around the world from rising.
This class is rightly defined as influential within the new leftism: the frayed strands of thought descended from the unravelling of socialist logic known as identity politics. Driven by the security and benefits of status, this class lives in its hypocritical quandary: at once enjoying the benefits of its historical rise and at once ashamed of its history of imperialism, racism, slavery and holocaust; afraid that its appeal for mercy to the rising global rivals will not be upheld, it seeks a moral authority to justify attempting to maintain its status.
It will fail, of course, and it will be ugly. It will fail because China, India, Russia, South America, the Middle East and Africa are no longer subservient to the white western race and will insist on at least equality of wealth, which will require hundreds of times more development than the world has ever seen. That will not be stopped either by wealthy, white westerners’ appeals for forgiveness nor this hypocritical attempt to maintain its status by denying others the same level of wealth.
Environmentalism will fail and its hysterical sense of moral superiority will twist it into the most grotesque tyranny in history, dwarfing by magnitudes the potential catastrophe of climate change.
Humanity is a venture
Failed poets
Art is an expressive response to the interface between reality and sensory perception. This interface has developed along with humanity from prehistoric times when technology was just beginning to distance us from nature through the scientific revolution when science and philosophy split into two artificial halves of one whole. This false dichotomy is the crack in the interface between human perception and reality. It is not the purpose of art to reconcile this dichotomy. That is the task of Physical Economics.
However, until the reconciliation is complete, art can only be an expressive response to this dichotomy, to the crack in the interface. Until modern artists recognise this and take up the task, modern art will lack a focus.